free car accident lawyer


When a car accident occurs, lives can be changed forever. One moment you may be driving home from work, thinking about dinner, then in an instant a negligent driver changes everything. You must now think about your injuries, your recovery, how much time away from work you will need, and how you will pay your bills when you are unable to work. In other words, you are now facing injuries with long-term consequences through no fault of your own.

And, while you are certainly entitled to compensation for your medical expenses, lost wages, out-of-pocket expenses, pain and suffering, and damages to your vehicle, you may find the insurance company is playing hardball, trying to convince you to settle for much less than you deserve—or even refusing to pay you at all. It is during a difficult time like this that a smart, aggressive car accident attorney Denver from the Law Offices of Dianne Sawaya can be an invaluable resource for your future.

Dianne Sawaya will work with the insurance company, ensuring they honor their obligation to pay for your injuries, your time away from work, your pain and suffering. While Dianne Sawaya is a skilled negotiator, she is also a tough litigator who will never hesitate to litigate your case in front of a judge and jury in order to help you get the settlement you.

If you, a family member, friend, or neighbor have been injured in a car accident or were hurt by a hit-and-run driver, you could be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, out of pocket expenses, pain and suffering, and more. But you may find that the insurance company won’t do right by you. They try to convince you to settle quickly for less than you deserve – or even refuse to pay you at all. It takes a smart, aggressive car accident attorney like Dianne Sawaya to work with the insurance company, so they live up to their obligation and pay you the money you deserve. Insurance companies have learned that if they don’t offer you a fair settlement, our car accident attorneys won’t hesitate to take your car accident case to trial and litigate your needs in front of a judge and jury. Dianne Sawaya has worked with thousands of clients over the years – clients who have trusted their cases with Dianne and the Denver, Colorado personal injury attorneys at The Law Offices of Dianne Sawaya. Presented here are a few examples of the types of cases Dianne Sawaya has helped clients with. If you would like to talk about your case and how we might help you, give us a call or email us to arrange a free consultation.

Every legal case is unique. While the client stories here are based on real client cases, they may not represent the results or recovery you might receive in your case. To talk with a personal injury attorney at The Law Offices of Dianne Sawaya about the possible value of your claim and the opportunities and challenges you may face in your case, call our office or contact us for a free consultation.

Car Accident Facts

According to, there are about 6 million car accidents every year in the United States, with 90 people dying in car accidents each day. As a result of those 6 million car accidents, there are an estimated 3 million injuries, with a staggering 2 million of those injured victims suffering permanent injuries. Even though seat belt use decreases the risk of death by 45 percent, one in seven people do not buckle up when then drive or are a passenger in a vehicle. Despite the level of education regarding impaired driving, alcohol remains a factor in 40 percent of all car accidents.

Excessive speed is responsible for about 30 percent of all auto accidents, and reckless driving is responsible for about 33 percent of all auto accidents. While experts believe distracted driving is a major factor in auto accidents, distraction is more difficult to prove, as few drivers want to admit they were talking on a phone, texting, eating, turning around to see what the children were doing in the back seat or simply not paying attention. Despite this, it is estimated that distracted driving is a factor in at least one in every five auto accidents and that at least nine people are killed in auto accidents each day as a direct result of distracted driving.

If you have been involved in a Colorado car accident, you likely have many questions. Some of those questions may be the same as those of other car accident victims, including:

  • What should I do immediately after a car accident? The first thing to do after a car accident is to determine whether there are injuries and seek immediate medical treatment. Law enforcement should be contacted, and if you are able, you should take photographs of the scene of the accident, as well as obtaining witness addresses, when possible. Once you are home, contact your own insurance company, but offer only the facts until you have spoken with a personal injury attorney to discuss your options. Keep careful records of your injuries, your treatments, your medical expenses, and notes of anything at all you remember about the accident.
  • Should I speak to the police at the scene of the accident? Stick to the facts if you are questioned by the police following an accident. If you don’t know the answer to a question, say so—you never want a statement you made in the chaos of an accident to haunt you later on. Never, ever, say “I’m sorry.” Unfortunately, even if you are simply saying you are sorry the accident occurred, it can be misconstrued as an admission of guilt.
  • Should I give a recorded statement to the at-fault driver’s insurance company? It is much better to refer insurance calls to your own insurance company, or, ideally, to your attorney. The at-fault driver’s insurance company may want you to agree to a quick settlement before you know the extent of your injuries, or before you have had the opportunity to calculate your damages. Wait for your attorney to tell you what you need to do for your health and your future.
  • If my car is drive-able, should I continue driving it? If there is any way around it, do not drive your car (other than to move it off the roadway) until you have had it inspected. Even if you see only a few scratches, there could potentially be damage you cannot see.
  • What if the at-fault driver has no insurance or leaves the scene of the accident? Leaving the scene of an accident is a criminal offense—the police will do their best to locate the driver who left the scene of your accident. Your insurance policy may include Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist coverage, which means your company will process your claim although it will be through your UM coverage. A hit-and-run accident will also be processed through your own insurance company and your UM coverage.
  • What if I am unable to afford my medical expenses until the insurance company pays my claim? If you have no health insurance and are waiting on the at-fault driver’s insurance company to pay your claim, you may wonder how you will pay your medical expenses associated with your injuries from the accident. Talk to your Denver car accident attorney, who will have suggestions on ways you can get the medical treatment you need until the insurance company pays. Your doctor may agree to a lien against your future settlement, or there may be other options available for you.
  • Are there statutes of limitations for filing a claim for injuries received in a Denver car accident? Yes, Colorado, like all other states, has set its own statutes of limitations—the amount of time you have in which to file a claim following your accident. In the state of Colorado, the statutes of limitations for filing a personal injury claim is three years from the date of the injury unless your claim is against the state of Colorado, or a city or county entity, in which case you have only 180 days to file a claim for damages.

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