is it worth getting an attorney for a car accident

 If you recently suffered injuries and material damage in a car accident, you probably first turned to the insurance of the at-fault party, or your own insurance, to find out how you can get compensation for your financial losses. However, you may also be wondering if it is worth getting a lawyer for a car accident claim.

In almost all serious car accidents with extensive material damage and bodily injuries, it can be worth consulting with or hiring a car accident lawyer. This does not necessarily mean that your case has to go to court. A car accident lawyer can help with many aspects of your claim and potentially protect you from any costs that should not be your responsibility if someone else’s carelessness or recklessness caused your accident.

How a Lawyer Can Help You

It can certainly be worth getting a lawyer for a car accident, particularly if the accident was serious and you suffered extensive or permanent injuries. A lawyer can help to protect you from any present as well as future damages related to the accident. Sometimes, it can be challenging to predict whether any injuries might need costly medical treatments in the future. A lawyer can help assess these potential future costs with you and your medical professionals.

A lawyer can also potentially help you in several other ways when it comes to your car accident claim. Some of those ways include:

Calculating Your Damages Accurately

A lawyer can help calculate all your costs and damages correctly to ensure that any settlement negotiated will, in fact, cover all of your financial liabilities arising from the accident. A car accident lawyer knows how to account for any economic and non-economic damages, which can potentially protect you from having to pay any of your costs out of your own pocket in an accident that was someone else’s fault.

Negotiating with Insurances

Negotiating an adequate settlement with insurances can be tricky on your own. The insurances may try to fight in order to keep any claims low or deny a claim altogether. Having professional legal representation can help with tough negotiations. Your lawyer will work hard in your best interests to help you receive what is due to you.

Representing You in Court Although many car accident claims are settled out of court, sometimes the only way to receive adequate compensation is with a personal injury lawsuit. While it is theoretically possible to represent yourself in court, self-representation can leave you vulnerable. The defendant and their lawyer can potentially take advantage of the fact that you do not have professional legal representation.

According to California Courts, the biggest risk of representing yourself is losing your case on technical or procedural grounds. In other words, you may have a good case but still lose because you do not know how to adequately represent yourself.

Offering Legal Advice

Car accident lawyers understand the laws in the states they practice in and are able to advise you on any important legal issues pertaining to your case, including the applicable statutes of limitation time limits for filing a case in your state. This can be of the utmost importance so you do not miss a filing deadline that could potentially bar you from receiving any compensation.

There can also be other ways in which a lawyer can help you in a car accident claim. One of the most important considerations, perhaps, is that having a car accident lawyer by your side can give you peace of mind. A lawyer will be working for your best interests in every way they can. A car accident lawyer can protect you from getting short-changed by insurances and the at-fault party.

A Lawyer Can Help You Receive Compensation

Another reason why it can be worth getting a lawyer for a car accident claim is that a lawyer knows how to accurately calculate compensation and the future costs you are likely to have with any accident. Depending on your individual claim, you could receive, for example:

  • Medical costs and future medical costs
  • Costs for physical therapy
  • Costs for medical accessories and mobility devices
  • Lost wages and future lost earning capacity
  • Disfigurement
  • Disability
  • A household help
  • Awards for pain and suffering (emotional and physical)
  • Awards for loss of life enjoyment

This is not an exhaustive list and you could receive compensation for other damages, depending on your case and the extent of your injuries. A car accident lawyer will be able to advise you on any compensation that may be available to you, after evaluating your case thoroughly.

Contact Pintas & Mullins Law Firm Today

If you would like to know if and how we can help you with your car accident claim, contact us today. We offer you a free case review with one of our team members. Call Pintas & Mullins Law Firm now to find out how we can potentially assist you with getting the compensation you deserve: (800) 794-0444.

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